The Simpsons Movie Reference Database
The Simpsons Movie Reference Database is a searchable, sortable collection of every movie parody, homage, and reference in the first 13 seasons of The Simpsons.
The Most Referenced Movies on The Simpsons
What are the top 10 most referenced movie from the golden age of The Simpsons? The answer might surprise you. Read more.
The Most Referenced Directors on The Simpsons
Before there was the AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies, there was The Simpsons. The show is filled with homages to some of the most influential film directors in history. Read more.
The Simpsons Episodes with the Most Film References
While almost every episode includes a reference or two, a few stand out for their prodigious parodies. Read more.
The Simpsons Movie References By the Numbers
Total Movie References
Major References to Scenes, Plots or Characters
Movie References Per Episode on Average
Types of References
In the Database, we distinguish between major references, like scene, plot, and character references, and minor references, like mentions, allusions, quoted dialogue; textual, visual, and audio references; and references in the opening credits or title of the episode.
Scenes are by far the most common type of reference. These typically include a combination of dialogue, visual, and audio elements that come together as more than the sum of their parts.
What Kinds of Movies Get Referenced on The Simpsons?
Movies Referenced
Directors Referenced
Average Release Year of Referenced Movies
Of University of Turin’s 20 Most Influential Movies Are Referenced
of AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies (1998) Are Referenced
of Sight & Sound’s The Greatest Films of All Time (Critics, 1992) Are Referenced
The Top 10 Most Referenced Movies on The Simpsons
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
31 Total, 5 MajorStar Wars (1977)
31 Total, 3 MajorPsycho (1960)
24 Total, 4 MajorJaws (1975)
18 Total, 6 MajorFrankenstein (1931)
18 Total, 4 MajorThe Godfather (1972)
17 Total, 8 MajorCitizen Kane (1941)
16 Total, 10 MajorIt’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
15 Total, 6 Major (Podcast Episode)Goldfinger (1964)
15 Total, 5 MajorGodzilla (1953)
15 Total, 2 Major (Podcast Episode)
The Top 10 Most Referenced Directors on The Simpsons
Steven Spielberg (1946–)
64 Total, 26 Major (Podcast Episodes)Stanley Kubrick (1928–1999)
55 Total, 21 Major (Podcast Episodes)Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980)
47 Total, 17 Major (Podcast Episodes)Francis Ford Coppola (1939–)
46 Total, 20 Major (Podcast Episodes)Victor Fleming (1889–1949)
39 Total, 8 MajorGeorge Lucas (1944)
39 Total, 6 MajorJames Cameron (1954–)
34 Total, 12 Major (Podcast Episodes)James Whale (1889–1957)
25 Total, 4 MajorMartin Scorsese (1942–)
23 Total, 13 MajorIshirô Honda (1911–1993)
23 Total, 3 Major (Podcast Episodes)
What Movie Genres Are Referenced Most on The Simpsons?
Compared to both the full database of films on IMDb and AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies (1998), the movies referenced on The Simpsons tend to embrace more genre and populist film, including Thriller, Action, Sci-Fi, Horror, Musical, and Fantasy.
Much like the AFI list, The Simpsons also tends to include more Crime, Biography, War, Western, and Film-Noir movies, and fewer Comedy, Family, Music, Animation, Sport, and History movies than the overall IMDb list. Meanwhile, Drama and Romance are underrepresented on The Simpsons compared to both lists.
How Have Movie References Changed from Season to Season on The Simpsons?
Movie references started slow in the season 1 under Matt Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon as showrunners, but quickly picked up starting in season 2.
On the show’s commentary, many writers note the increase in these kinds of references in seasons three and four under Al Jean and Mike Reiss, as the popularity of VHS allowed an easier way to replicate classic films. Ultimately, Jean and Reiss left the show to start The Critic (1994-95), which allowed them to focus even more on movie parodies.
Seasons five and six under David Mirkin mark a new peak of movie references, both in terms of total references and major references.
Ironically, by trying to get back to the family-centric stories of Jean and Reiss, Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein took a less reference-heavy approach for seasons seven and eight that drew more from the writers’ own lives.
Season nine continued with the lower number of references introduced by Oakley and Weinstein, with multiple past showrunners chipping in episodes and Mike Scully beginning his eventual run as full-time showrunner.
Seasons ten and 11 under Scully marked another high water mark for movie references, but with a greater proportion of minor references over scene and plot parodies. However, these references have been undercounted by other sources, likely because they are not discussed as much on the commentary. Strangely, season 12 saw a significant dip in the overall number of references.
Finally, in season 13 the show saw an increase in the number of references with the beginning of Al Jean’s long stint as showrunner, while the number of major parodies continued to remained average for the series at large.
The Top 10 Most Movie Parody-Heavy Episodes of The Simpsons
Beyond Blunderdome (S11E1)
31 Total, 7 MajorA Star Is Burns (S6E18)
26 Total, 9 Major (Podcast Episode)Treehouse of Horror V (S6E6)
26 Total, 3 MajorTreehouse of Horror X (S11E4)
25 Total, 7 MajorE-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) (S11E5)
23 Total, 7 Major (Podcast Episode)Treehouse of Horror VIII (S9E5)
23 Total, 3 MajorMayored to the Mob (S10E9)
22 Total, 7 MajorTreehouse of Horror VI (S7E6)
6 Major, 24 Total (Podcast Episodes)Guess Who’s Coming to Criticize Dinner? (S11E3)
19 Total, 4 MajorJaws Wired Shut (S13E9)
19 Total, 2 Major
The first 13 Seasons of The Simpsons Ranked by Movie Parodies per Episode
Season 11 (1999–2000)
10.5 Total, 3.1 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 13 (2001–02)
8.9 Total, 2.5 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 10 (1998–99)
8.5 Total, 2.0 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 5 (1993–94)
8.2 Total, 3.2 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 6 (1994–95)
8.0 Total, 2.7 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 4 (1992–93)
7.5 Total, 2.9 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 12 (2000–01)
6.4 Total, 2.0 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 2 (1990–91)
5.9 Total, 2.0 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 9 (1997–98)
5.5 Total, 1.9 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 7 (1995–96)
5.4 Total, 1.9 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 3 (1991–92)
5.4 Total, 2.3 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 8 (1996–97)
5.0 Total, 1.4 Major (Podcast Episodes)Season 1 (1989–90)
3.2 Total, 0.9 Major (Podcast Episodes)
The Complete Simpsons Movie Reference Database
Use the table below to browse all Simpsons movie references by episode. You can also search the entire database by using the magnifying glass button in the upper right corner, or use the “filter,” “group,” and “sort” functions to reorganize the entire list by any field.
Try filtering the list by your favorite director, movie, or genre! You could even see every movie reference by Simpsons writers, directors, and showrunners.
Note: Best viewed on desktop.
Feeling extra nerdy? You can learn more about how we compiled, fact checked, and analyzed the Simpsons Movie Referenced Database on our blog.
The Simpsons Movie Reference Database is a work in progress. This page was last updated March 23, 2025, after one complete rewatch of the first 13 seasons of The Simpsons.